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Brain and Family Law

The Divorce Mediation Checklist: What you need to know

Nathalie Boutet, an experienced family law lawyer, accredited mediator and certified Family Enterprise Advisor™. If you’re preparing for separation or divorce and have chosen the mediation process, here’s a useful checklist  to help you prepare and make the most of

How to successfully negotiate a separation when your partner is a bully – Boutet in Huffington Post

Observing President Trump’s display of bully-style negotiation and intimidation tactics, false information and confrontational approach to advance his agenda gave me pause to reflect on how to effectively handle difficult personalities in family law negotiations. There are generally two broad

Neuroscience and Behavioural Economics for Legal Practitioners

AGENDA: 9:00am-9:10am – Welcome and Opening Remarks (Jane Southren, Jane Southren Consulting) 9:10am-10:25am – Behavioural Economics 101- Management and Communication Strategies for Law and Business (Michael Sherman, BA, JD, MBA, President, Brainthinks) 10:25am-10:40am – ​Coffee and Networking Break 10:40am-11:55am- The

Neuroscience Awareness – Boutet in Law Pro Magazine

Boutet continues to educate lawyers on how to be more effective in their duties and how to better respond to our clients’ needs by sharing her knowledge about neuroscience with Law Pro. Read the full article in LawPRO Magazine.

Lawyer Jessica Cohen on the Psychology of Fear and Anxiety

Lawyer Jessica Cohen has the courage to suggest lawyers should pay attention to clients’ feelings. It is unfortunate that law schools don’t teach us about the human aspects about our clients because we accidentally ignore our clients’ fears and anxieties

The Neuroscience of Conflict

Nathalie Boutet shared her knowledge on the subject of “The Neuroscience of Conflict” with the students of The Theory and Practice of Dispute Resolution course in fall of 2015.

Understanding Science For Better Leadership Skills

COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE TORONTO presented an Autumn BBQ and Dinner Presentation on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club! CPT lawyer and mediator Nathalie Boutet presented her energizing vision of what makes teams succeed and practitioners thrive. Using

The New Negotiator Event: The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation

Law Society of Upper Canada approved: this training session for negotiators specializes in training how to manage the strong emotions that often derail the agenda. Clients are often less satisfied when their negotiator or mediator loses their focus because of

Brain science clarifies role of emotions in ADR – Nathalie Boutet in Lawyers Weekly

When co-operation is eroding during the ADR process, facilitators are looking more frequently to brain science to understand what promotes settlements, Toronto family lawyer Nathalie Boutet writes in The Lawyers Weekly. When it comes to how the science of the

The New Mediator: The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation

Mediators and Lawyers will: Understand the brain science behind what throws people off balance and the impact on everybody in the mediating process – especially clients Recognize and be able to maintain the integrity of the process and not be derailed

Negotiators need to learn self-control

People are savvier and demand not only satisfactory results but a more humanistic experience with the legal process. This includes a good working relationship with their legal advisors and the negotiation team. Clients expect their negotiator to be self-restrained and

The New Negotiator: The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation

We would like to announce and invite you to attend the new lawyer conference The New Negotiator:  The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation. Negotiators and Mediators will: Understand the brain science behind what throws people off balance and the impact on everybody

Divorce and the Brain – Nathalie Boutet in Law Society Gazette

Nathalie is featured in Law Society Gazette to discuss divorce and the brain.

Boutet Advocates for Neuroscience in Family Law – Nathalie Boutet interviewed by Law Times

written by Michael McKiernan published in Law Times   A crash course in neuroscience can dramatically improve family lawyers’ relationships with their clients, according to a Toronto practitioner. Nathalie Boutet, a mediation and collaborative partner at Basman Smith LLP and

The Neuro Family Law Conference held in Toronto in June was another HIT!

I am very excited to report that we held the Neuro Family Law Conference for a third time in Ontario this June. The Neuro Family Law Conference provides neuro science and other practical information to practitioners who deal with separating

Practicing “Negotiation with the brain in mind” ©: A case for interest-based negotiation – Nathalie Boutet in OBA ADR magazine

   Published in the Ontario Bar Association News under the     Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Section    Volume 20, No.1 – February 2012 People contemplating separation have frequently endured long periods of time, sometimes years, in unhappy, acrimonious and even

Neuroplastic Changes And How Changing Brain Patterns Can Change Everything – Even The Effects Of Separation

The plasticity of the brain has only recently come to light from the world of neuroscience. In 2007, Norman Doidge wrote the book “The Brain That Changes Itself”. In The Brain That Changes Itself, Doidge points to the brain’s real ability

Neuroplasticity and Family Law – Toronto Family Law Lawyer Shows Clients How to Begin Emotional Healing

Neuroplasticity is the new buzz word all over the world. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s property to change or modify its structure and its function through mental experience. It was once assumed that around adulthood, the brain became fixed and we

Take the first step

Let us help you navigate this challenging time with expertise, compassion and strategic thinking.

Complete the form below or call us directly at 416-408-0444.

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We are dedicated to supporting our clients through Collaborative Divorce and Mediated Divorce, prioritizing their needs every step of the way.

32+ Years of Experience

With more than 32 years of experience, Nathalie has successfully represented thousands of clients, helping them to achieve their goals with her expertise, compassion, and strategic thinking.

No-charge initial call

We understand you have questions and need guidance on your next step. We will contact you to schedule a brief initial call to discuss your situation and our services.

Committed to effective and respectful family dispute resolution

Nathalie has expertise handling all family matters including situations involving business owners, executives, and professionals; situations challenged by difficult personalities and complex personal and financial circumstances; and working with families facing addiction challenges.