Collaborative negotiation is crucial for child and spousal support agreements in rising gig economy
‘Do not fuel the flame:’ serving family law clients struggling financially due to COVID lockdowns
New divorce act holds beneficial changes
Decision addresses support obligations
Time for contingency fees in family law?

How Changes in the Divorce Act Can Resolve High-Conflict Disputes
What to Do When Your Spouse’s Addiction Gets Worse During the Pandemic
Making Blended Families Work: Protecting the Needs of Spouses and Kids
What You Need to Know if You’re Divorcing an Addict
Why You Shouldn’t Sign a Separation Agreement Without Reading it

Divorce Act Changes Could Finally Address Realities The Law Left
For Divorcing Employees, A Little Support At Work Goes A Long
4 Ways To Negotiate Your Prenup And Start Marriage On The Right
How Different Generations Can See Eye-To-Eye On Prenups
Divorce Month: Why Marriages End In January
Conflict Resolution Strategies For Family Businesses
How to Tackle the New School Year As a New Divorcee
What Is ‘Conscious Uncoupling’? Experts Unpack Gwyneth Paltrow’s Split