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family business

High net worth spouses and divorce – The Lawyer’s Daily

This article was originally published by The Lawyer’s Daily (, part of LexisNexis Canada Inc. This article covers some of the legal issues facing families that enjoy a high net worth. More specifically, how gifts and inheritances are treated in

‘Do not fuel the flame:’ serving family law clients struggling financially due to COVID lockdowns – Interview by Law Times

Divorce is a volatile and emotionally fraught task, whether in a global pandemic or not. When spouses are intertwined with shared businesses and investments, the value of which is being held down by COVID and its public health measures, lawyers

Saving family businesses from divorce during COVID-19

The pandemic has already taken a toll on both the economy and marriages across the country, and now with a second wave, those numbers are likely to rise. In fact, one in seven small businesses are at risk of going

How high net worth women are risking their future finances

Leaving important long-term planning and investment decisions to a spouse can end up being a potentially costly decision. Here are three reasons why. I recently came across research that revealed women worldwide are leaving long-term financial planning to their husbands,

Shepreneurs: Keeping a Small Business Alive After Divorce – Boutet in Divorce Magazine

When it comes to keeping a small business alive after divorce, reducing the negative impact of divorce on yourself, your staff and the day-to-day operations is critical. This can be difficult to do without the proper knowledge.   Read the

Traversing the emotional road to a pre-nup agreement

Learn why a pre-nup agreement can be important, how to prepare for it and what to look for to protect your family and business by watching Nathalie Boutet expertly speak at the CAFE Family Business Forum. (See full video below)

Starting a Business with your Spouse – Boutet on AM 800

Nathalie Boutet is featured on AM 800 to discuss starting a business with your spouse.

How parents can protect the family business if their children divorce – Boutet in The Globe and Mail

There are many considerations given to how couples can protect themselves and their assets from divorce, but what about their family members – specifically the older generation – whose assets may also be at risk? What can parents who started

Make These Moves First when Divorce Strikes – Boutet on

The early stages of a family breakdown often prompt unsettling questions for separating spouses. Most people want to minimize the disruption and protect their legal and financial rights. Often, they will begin a frantic search online for credible information about

Conflict Resolution Strategies for Family Businesses – Boutet on The Huffington Post

It is not simple to resolve conflict within businesses where people bring in different points of view, cultures and values. Resolving conflict within a family may be even more complex because the members have had a lifetime of interacting with

Sibling rivalry can sink family business succession – Boutet in Succession Planning

Nathalie Boutet is featured in an article discussing how mediation can offer a route to involving all family members in resolving disputes over succession plans. Read the full article in Succession Planning.

How to prepare your spouse to work in the family business – Boutet in The Globe and Mail

As many as 80 per cent of small businesses in Canada are family enterprises. And while the benefits of self-employment and entrepreneurship can include financial freedom and control over one’s career, there are many factors families need to consider before

Why business owners should avoid divorce court

The divorce court system is adversarial, expensive, time-consuming and open to the public — all reasons for family business owners to avoid it. It’s the most expensive process, it lasts the longest and nobody but the judge has control over

Relationship problems can threaten survival of family business – Boutet in Succession Planning

One issue that is often overlooked in family run enterprises is the risk that an interpersonal relationship will be damaged, taking the business down with it. It’s called relationship risk. When people don’t take care of their relationship, whatever plans

How Different Generations Can See Eye-To-Eye On Prenups – Boutet on Huffington Post

No one likes to plan for the failure of a marriage. But with the average nuptials in Canada lasting a mere 13.7 years, according to StatsCan, it’s not surprising that prenuptial agreements are becoming more popular among today’s couples looking

Business Advisors can be the ‘Voice of Reason’ in a Divorce

Trusted advisors such as accountants and lawyers can play a key role in minimizing the potential negative impact of a divorce within a family business. Referring clients to the right family law lawyer could mean the difference between a divorce

Choice of lawyer sends strong signal from outset of divorce

There is one strategic step members of family-owned businesses can take from the initial stages of a divorce to keep some control over the outcome of the divorce: choosing the right lawyer.

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We are dedicated to supporting our clients through Collaborative Divorce and Mediated Divorce, prioritizing their needs every step of the way.

32+ Years of Experience

With more than 32 years of experience, Nathalie has successfully represented thousands of clients, helping them to achieve their goals with her expertise, compassion, and strategic thinking.

No-charge initial call

We understand you have questions and need guidance on your next step. We will contact you to schedule a brief initial call to discuss your situation and our services.

Committed to effective and respectful family dispute resolution

Nathalie has expertise handling all family matters including situations involving business owners, executives, and professionals; situations challenged by difficult personalities and complex personal and financial circumstances; and working with families facing addiction challenges.