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family dispute

Divorce Act Amendments: Best interest of Children and Family Violence

All Canadian divorcing families are now subject to the new amendments to the Divorce Act which came into effect on March 1, 2021. Most family law lawyers are delighted with the changes to the Divorce Act. I will break down

Divorce Act Amendments: Best interest of Children 

All Canadian divorcing families are now subject to the new amendments to the Divorce Act which came into effect on March 1, 2021. Most family law lawyers are delighted with the changes to the Divorce Act. I will break down

Divorce Act Amendments: Separating Families have new duties to try to resolve out of court

All Canadian divorcing families are now subject to the new amendments to the Divorce Act which came into effect on March 1, 2021. Most family law lawyers are delighted with the changes to the Divorce Act. I will break down

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