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The Rise of Gig Economy & What it Means for Divorce – Article Published in Family Lawyer Magazine

For family lawyers, the burgeoning gig economy & remote work have presented new challenges & complexities – particularly regarding how we determine support. As family law lawyers, we’ve witnessed many different scenarios among our clients as we shepherd them through

The rise of the gig economy and what it means for divorce – Article in The Lawyer’s Daily

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the gig economy over the past year. As people started to re-evaluate their current work and lifestyle, businesses began to leverage the economic benefits of hiring more freelance and contract workers. So, what does that

Collaborative negotiation is crucial for child and spousal support agreements in rising gig economy – Interview by Law Times

Income demands are more complex as people work unconventional hours: Family lawyer As the pandemic accelerates the gig economy with more freelancers and independent workers, determining income for child and spousal arrangements through collaborative negotiation or mediation is essential, says

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