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As COVID-19 weighs on marriages, what should business owners know?

With business closures, quarantines, and household isolation measures continuing throughout Canada and around the world, many couples forced into a common domestic situation for an extended period are finding their relationships tested. Family law experts predict an uptick in divorce

Making Blended Families Work: Protecting the Needs of Spouses and Kids

Blended families are complex situations emotionally, legally and financially that require the right approach, knowledge and preparation for success.

Property possession and gifts when separating

With sky-high rents and home ownership out of reach for many young Canadians, more couples are moving into properties with the help of their parents’ money, or even back into their childhood home. But not understanding the legal implications in case of a separation can lead to problems, considering that nearly four in 10 marriages will end in divorce. And while the number of young adults (18-34) who are getting married is on the decline, 58 per cent of Canadians in common-law relationships say that, despite the law being otherwise, assets should be divided equally when the relationship ends, according to a recent Angus Reid poll.

What You Need to Know if You’re Divorcing an Addict

In most cases, mediation and collaborative law are well-suited to family disputes arising from addiction. These approaches can help reduce potential conflict with your spouse and, may allow you and your spouse to reach a resolution in a cost-effective and timely fashion.

How to protect homes in the event of divorce – Boutet in Rep Mag

This is how to avoid legal pitfalls when couples move into properties with the help of their parents’ money. Read the full article on Rep Mag

How divorces affect mortgages – Boutet on Mortgage Broker News

In the event of divorce, complications arise when it comes to dividing assets like homes and determining who keeps making mortgage payments. Read the full article on Mortgage Broker News

Why You Shouldn’t Sign a Separation Agreement Without Reading it First – Boutet in Divorce Magazine

There are several important items to be considered during negotiations and before signing a separation agreement, including factors that could have an effect on the family in the future. Most importantly, there are two elements to keep in mind about separation

How to divide a business in divorce without affecting the company – Boutet in the Globe and Mail

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ amicable split sets an example of what to do during a divorce, especially when it involves a business. Read my article in The Globe and Mail on how a collaborative approach keeps shareholders and employees reassured

Shepreneurs: Keeping a Small Business Alive After Divorce – Boutet in Divorce Magazine

When it comes to keeping a small business alive after divorce, reducing the negative impact of divorce on yourself, your staff and the day-to-day operations is critical. This can be difficult to do without the proper knowledge.   Read the

Decision addresses support obligations – Boutet in Law Times

A recent Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision serves as a reminder to lawyers that there are no hard and fast rules laying out when support for a child should end. Read the full article by Marg. Bruineman featuring Nathalie

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