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legal separation

Tips for Dealing with Clients Who Are Going Through a Divorce

I stand for families to be well, whether together or separated. In our professional life we encounter clients who are either thinking of separating or who are definitely separating. People in the service industry rely on good relationships with their

Do People Have to be Getting Along to Participate in Family Mediation?

Mediation is used by people who want to resolve disputes themselves rather than having a judge make decisions for them. But because these people’s relationship is broken, they need a third party to facilitate the communication, and guide the negotiation.

The Neuro Family Law Institute

The Neuro Family Law Institute website is online and we invite you to visit and get involved. You can view the website at   Vision and Mission of the Neuro Family Law Institute Vision: The Neuro Family Law Institute will transform

Family Mediation – A Step Towards Healing the Family and Healthier Relationships

This paper highlights why family mediation speeds up the process of healing the family and leads spouses towards healthier relationships after a separation. It will also provide information on how to find resources about “family mediation Toronto”. Separating spouses usually

How To Get Through a Break-up – The 5 Stages of Grief

People who separate will often experience very strong emotions that will at times feel unmanageable. This is very similar to the grieving process where people feel deep feelings of loss and grief. They don’t know how to get through a

Divorce Lawyers in Toronto Will Act on Your Instructions

The following article provides family law information that will make you reflect on how to choose a lawyer that will be responsible and competent. There is a saying in family law that says that a family law file is made

Alimony Spousal Support in Ontario for Homemakers: In a Separation, Should a Homemaker Be Forced Back to Work?

An important issue to be thinking about in separation is alimony spousal support in Ontario. The laws about temporary support and alimony spousal support in Ontario promote the obligation of both spouses to try to achieve financial independence.  These laws

Mandatory mediation in Ontario! Recent announcement about Mandatory Mediation by the Ontario Government

There was an announcement about mandatory mediation by the Ontario Government. This announcement about mandatory mediation proved confusing for Ontario residents who seek information about the divorce mediation services Toronto has to offer. The announcement about mandatory mediation suggests that

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