With her law degree, a non-court family law practice and a certificate in Neuro- Awareness, Nathalie Boutet is a passionate and perpetual student of life. Come hear her energizing and transformative vision of what makes teams succeed and practitioners thrive.
During this presentation, using neuroscience and other teachings, Nathalie will explain how humans respond to conflict, the debilitating impacts of strong emotions on the team, strategies to stay focused, and best practices for a healthy practice and successful team work.
Nathalie Boutet:
Nathalie Boutet is a skilled Family Law lawyer with over 22 years of experience who is committed to the practices of out-of-court negotiation for separating couples and families.
Nathalie is a pioneer in the field of Neuro Family Law©, the integration of the science of the brain and the psychology of negotiation into law. She helps professionals better understand and work with their clients and other professionals. Nathalie obtained a certificate of studies from NeuroAwareness, an international company fostering education about neuroscience for negotiators, and she founded the Neuro Family Law Institute. She regularly teaches and writes about the science of negotiation to remind professionals to refrain from allowing their personal judgment and emotions to influence their work.
Find Out More About Nathalie.
Payable to: Collaborative Practice Durham Region
c/o Brian Korb,
117 King Street,
Whitby L1N 5S4.
If you have any dietary restrictions, please advise Laura Fraser at Brian Korb’s office at [email protected]