Nathalie Boutet Interviewed for CBC’s Dans La mosaïque

To listen to the full interview, visit this link.

January is known as a period where some couples make the decision to separate. In this interview, Nathalie explains that couples may be waiting after the holidays and after the children have returned to school to announce the decision, to try to avoid upsetting the entire family system during the holiday season.

Nathalie encourages people to try to stay calm and consult with a therapist before making the decision to separate. Once the decision has been made, Nathalie encourages people to approach the separation steps with calm and respect. An important piece of advice for people who are contemplating a separation include consulting a lawyer as soon as possible. This will help people understand their rights and guide them on important first steps.

Nathalie has seen people make mistakes that have repercussions, for example, emptying bank accounts or removing a spouse as a beneficiary of health benefits. She also described how important mediation has been since the pandemic, in helping families get through a divorce in a private manner and in a process adapted to their particular needs.

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