Opt for calm, rational responses for a healthy workplace – Nathalie Boutet in Lawyers Weekly

While it may come naturally to lawyers to think fast and react quickly, the method may not work when dealing with interoffice conflict, Toronto family lawyer Nathalie Boutet says in Lawyers Weekly.

In an article discussing healthy work environments, Boutet says: “Our jobs are really demanding and we have client demands and we have firm demands and we have our own personal family demands, and a lot of people need our time and energy.” She firmly believes that if we take care of ourselves physically and emotionally, we will be less prone to emotional outbursts. She recommends to eat enough,  sleep enough and do whatever we need to relieve stress.

It’s natural for the body to release adrenalin and cortisol during stressful times, Boutet says in the article, noting this diminishes an individual’s cognitive ability to respond appropriately, and lawyers should learn techniques to conquer such situations.

“Taking a break allows the chemicals that have been released in your body to dissipate and you can come back refreshed and not so upset at the circumstances,” says Boutet, who often speaks and teaches courses on the integration of the science of the brain and the psychology of negotiation into law.

Another technique is to begin writing down what’s going on, instead of responding verbally, she adds.

“When you start thinking and writing something down it moves you into your pre-frontal cortex which is your centre of intelligence and decision-making. It makes you bypass the emotional reaction.”

Read the full article here.

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